Becket Chimney Corners YMCA


Becket Chimney Corners YMCA

October 31, 2013

Becket, MA

Arriving at in Becket Chimney Corners on a dreary rainy day we were greeted by Shannon and Berta, Chimney Corners’ Exec and Assistant Director, and could tell right away that this place was special. Berta showed us around Chimney, told us some history, and even on that rainy day in October you could feel the magic of summers in the Berkshires. At both Becket and Chimney Corners there is a core of service. This is evident in their unique service tripping program that sends campers to China, South America, Australia and more; in their Aids program where campers can choose to travel to South Dakota and help run the Sioux YMCA Camp there; and back at camp where both at Becket and Chimney signing up to be a member of a Construction Cabin has only a few prized openings. Construction Cabins are groups of campers that over the course of a summer build a new cabin that will be used for years to come by campers. There is so much that these two camps have to offer, but what struck us was the commitment to service and ability to seem to always adapt but stay true to themselves as the world changes around them.


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